RIC REMS Stakeholder Survey 2023

  • Current RIC - REMS Stakeholder Survey - 2023
  • Complete
This survey is intended to gather quantitative and qualitative feedback on REMS programs.  It is intended to assist the RIC to understanding stakeholder perceptions of REMS programs in general and to identify topics for further research.

As a non-profit association that represents a wide array of organizations, our focus is on REMS programs generally and our questions are therefore focused on REMS programs in the aggregate, rather than any particular REMS program.  Survey results may be shared with others, such as RIC member companies or FDA with pre-screening, so that any program-specific or company-specific references are removed.

Should you have feedback for specific REMS programs, we ask that you refrain from including that information in this survey response, and instead direct your comments to those who administer each individual REMS program.

By voluntarily submitting your responses, you are consenting to its use.  You acknowledge and agree that we may preserve content and materials submitted by you.  We may also disclose such content and materials if required by law or if, in our business judgment, such preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary.
Contact Information
Survey Questions
Would you or someone from your organization be willing to participate in additional discussions with RIC Work Groups?
Identify Stakeholder Type that best describes you
Identify Therapeutic Area(s) - SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
Which of the following aspects of REMS programs do you (or your organization’s members) directly engage with? (Select all that apply)
Independent of the benefit/risk profile of a product, has the existence of a REMS program ever impacted your decision about whether or not to prescribe or dispense a product? (e.g., changed to alternative product without REMS or from a Pharmacy perspective not to carry a product)
What two areas do you see as being least burdensome/most effective for REMS programs generally?
What two areas do you view as priorities for improvement?